This blog hopes to be a site of shared communication for anyone interested or involved in Unitarian Universalist Youth, Young Adult and or Campus Ministries in Canada.

Come here to learn about Youth and Young Adult related events going on across the country and find out about the work I am doing to support this vital and important segment of our faith.

"Gather the Spirit, harvest the power. Our separate fires will kindle one flame." - Jim Scott

Monday, June 21, 2010

baptism by fire - 1 month on the job

It seems a fitting way to start a Unitarian job I think - given the significance to us of our symbol of the flaming chalice.  It also seems to accurately describes my first week as the new Youth and Young Adult Programmer of the CUC.

I began my first day of work on Monday May 17th by packing, as my first task on the job was to get myself to the Annual Council and Meeting of the Canadian Unitarian Council in Victoria!  This was to be a bit of a home coming for me as I am from Vancouver and am also an alumni of UVic.

On Tuesday I took a train from Kingston where I currently live, to Toronto.  Then on Wednesday my journey really began, with a 5am wake-up to board a plane to Vancouver, and then a ferry to Swartz Bay, Vancouver Island and finally a city bus to Victoria and the campus of the University of Victoria.  All in all, though tired and jet lagged I have to say I was thrilled.  As soon as I stepped foot on campus I sat down to a meeting! but still, to be back on the west coast and under such auspicious circumstances as beginning a new job at the ACM of the CUC - I was excited to say the least, excited and bit nervous.  On looking back I think the excitement was warrented.  For the next five days my life was a wonderful whirlwind of meeting and greeting, worship, networking, and bunnies.  (For those of you not familiar with UVic's campus, it is over-run by now feral domesticated rabbits that are the descendants of unwanted Easter presents. They are very cute, but in a tribble-like way.)  Jennifer Dickson, our Executive Director began in her position in, I think, and very similar way at the 2009 ACM in Thunderbay last year.  I'm not sure if I think we should make a habit of this practice or not but for me this experience was ultimately an invigorating one, and I can't really imagine beginning my work in any other way. 

Going to the ACM was an invaluable experience for me in terms of the introduction I received, not only to so many welcoming and committed UUs from across our country but also to the workings of the CUC Board of Trustees and to the logistical triumphs and challenges of putting on a conference of this size.  Going to Victoria also allowed me to meet with Young Adults, and because there were only about ten or so of us - meeting them got to be more than just an introduction.  I also got the opportunity to experience, at least a small portion of CanUUdle X - the amazing, inclusive, national Youth Con that runs concurrently with every ACM.  Beyond all the meeting and greeting, going to the ACM was and is, a profoundly religious event and I really appreciate having had that depth of worship experiences over the course of the conference as a jumping off point for this work which in my mind, is more about ministry than programing.  I felt a deepening of my commitment to our vital faith tradition that has too has really nourished me since returning from the conference.

Now as I do my work either from my home office or from my newly cleared desk at the Dupont St CUC office in Toronto, I have a wealth of memories and connections to look back on and to guide my forward steps.  Many people reached out to me over those five days with offers of support, encouragement, and thanks just for being there.  I was even approached to be part of two different services! 

I can't say thank-you enough for such an amazingly warm welcome.  But after coming home from the conference and the glow from the fellowship had warm off somewhat I began to compile a list, trying to caputure all the thoughts and ideas and suggestions that came my way.  It's a long list and I'd like to share a few of the main points that came from it that I've begun tackling over these past few weeks.

In no particular order here are a few things I've been working on:
- this blog!  creating a blog as an alternative to a ink and paper newsletter was one of the first ideas I had when I started brainstorming about how I might help foster communication amongst Youth and YA communities and the our larger CUC family.  I hope you'll come back here often, peruse the links and leave your thoughts and ideas.  
- I've started to reach out to the the Youth Advisors and DREs across the country.  It's a big task tracking all of you down but I want everyone working and supporting Youth and YA and Campus Ministry in Canada to know that I am here for you and I welcome your feedback and suggestions about how the CUC as a board and staff can encourage your work. If you are a Youth Advisor or a DRE and I haven't contacted you yet please don't feel forgotten - it's a big country!  if you feel like being proactive and calling or emailing me, I'd love to hear from you!
- I have taken steps to help build capacity for leadership in the YA community by creating/refining some of the ACM planning positions so that there are now a total of 3 YA specific positions.  If you are interested in taking one on, send me an email.
With respect to the YA community I'd also like to gather some folks into a task force to look at the idea of creating a Young Adult Advisor Group similar in scope possibly to CAYAC but for 18 - 35 year olds.  If this is something you are interested in working on send me an email.
- With help, I've started the application process for the Co-Deans and Logistics Coordinator of CanUUdle XI/2011 even earlier than last year so there is even more time for planning.

Some of my on going projects for this summer include:
- continuing to reach out to DREs and Youth Advisors
- prepare for my role as a facilitator at CUUL School West
- supporting the organizers of GoldMine
- continuing to reach out to the most recent CAYAC members. If you were on CAYAC for 2008/2009 or 2009/2010 please contact me - you have valuable experience and knowledge that I want to know about! :)
- working on linking my "task list" to the 2010-2011 Workplan 

thanks for your interest and happy summer solstice. 

in faith,

1 comment:

  1. Ariel, this is an AMAZING blog, resource etc. Thank you so much for making this! This will really be great when I am looking for information or want to know what's happening for my youth group. You rock!
    Emily in Kingston
