This blog hopes to be a site of shared communication for anyone interested or involved in Unitarian Universalist Youth, Young Adult and or Campus Ministries in Canada.

Come here to learn about Youth and Young Adult related events going on across the country and find out about the work I am doing to support this vital and important segment of our faith.

"Gather the Spirit, harvest the power. Our separate fires will kindle one flame." - Jim Scott

Monday, October 4, 2010

Because you asked for it!

If you look directly to your left and down slightly on this blog page, you should notice a new feature.  There is now a page dedicated to listing all the Young Adult and Campus Ministry groups that we have going across Canada.  This list is just a starting point, as I'm sure I'm missing some groups, but its something I've been asked for by many and I am so happy I was able to make it.  Even though its not a particularly long list, I am filled with feelings of hope and encouragement just because it's there now. 
If you are part of a young adult group or a college or university based group and you don't see it listed here please contact me with the details and I'll get your groups info posted.  I know one of the biggest barriers to UU YA ministry is often just finding out about it so I hope this can help with that.

here's to increased connections and being able to remember when the meeting times are at!


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